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Leadership Growth for the Greater Good

  • Goal Setting & Clarity

  • Resume & Interview Skills

  • Navigating Office Dynamics

  • Breaking Through Barriers

  • Promotion Preparations 

YOur career

Your career is uniquely about you - your experiences, your education, your knowledge, skills and abilities, and what you love to do, or dream of doing!  Developing clarity and understanding  of what energizes you and motivates you are critical elements for sustained and lasting career growth and development. 



Why career consulting?

Preparations, and openness to rapid growth and development are key to successful career transitions. Career transitions involve change. Although many career transitions are ultimately successful, lack of successful preparation and planning can lead to prolonged difficulties in achieving a successful transition for the individual and for the business. 


Professional coaching assertively pursues personal change through increased self-awareness, accelerating performance, increasing job satisfaction and achieving new career goals. 


Your Future

Career changes can be life-changing!  New challenges that require mastery of new skills, with meaningful, impactful purpose to the indivdual are huge intrinsic motivators. Ensure that you have clarity of expectations for potential promotions and new assignments to increase your professional success.  

"Be daring, be different,

be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision

against the play-it-safers...."

~Cecil Beaton 

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